Thursday, April 28, 2016

Finding myself: single and pregnant

OIt's just one of those days at work. Sitting on the window seal of the 4 floor cafeteria at work, thinking to myself...what did I get myself into? My life feels like one big mistake right now. Nothing is going right. Being in the beginning of my fourth month of my pregnancy. Having a baby by somebody I work with and no longer involved with. Watching that person ignore my very existence, has distroyed my spirit, my drive, annoyed my work friends. Everything has changed, sleeping, working, and even eating has gotten harder. Being at this stage where you just feel miserable, makes me feel as if there will never be light in this dark cave I call my life right now. 
The most I can do is get up and go to work, and try to focus on my daily tasks. People have started to notice that I'm expecting and I want my baby but I'm not too happy right now.I think that everyone sees how miserable and aggravated  I am. I even hate talking about baby stuff. 
25 weeks more to go...

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